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Does Alcohol Rehab Work?

If drinking too much is a problem for you, you know it is difficult to stop drinking. You may have read books on the subject or talked to your doctor occasionally. Perhaps someone has even suggested alcohol rehab to you. You just want something to help you quit drinking. Determining what works and what does not work for you is often a case of trial and error. So, you read books on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. You learn a few statistics and a whole lot of health risks. Now you have a good deal of information on the subject. A few people may be able to change based on this knowledge, but most times information alone will not make you quit—there is no support to facilitate the change. At a visit to the doctor, you mention the amount of alcohol you drink regularly.

Your doctor talks to you about the effect alcohol has on your body. He or she may suggest some resources for you to look into, but you don’t follow up on them. It will be another year before you see your doctor again; another missed opportunity. Your family sits you down to talk about your drinking. They issue some ultimatums. “Get help or else…” This intervention may lead to you seek help, or not. While reading books on alcoholism or addiction can provide you with a lot of information, there is no personal support. The same goes for visits with a doctor. Family members are often too close to you to let go of their feelings and truly provide help. Inpatient alcohol rehab provides information, therapy and support in a safe environment.

The combination of these elements allows for successful treatment of alcoholism in many cases. Additionally, alcohol treatment centers are most effective when the center uses a tailored approach with the help of professional therapists. Alcohol rehab works best when it provides continuing care for long-term support. (Photo via)

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