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Prescription Drug Abuse: Who Really Suffers?

Prescription drug abuse in Florida is a growing issue with many lives affected by its devastating consequences, but now, another group is falling prey to these substances. In an article published by The Miami Herald, about three times a day, a Florida baby is born into a world of addiction and withdrawal symptoms. This number has gone up fourfold in the past five years alone, according to AHCA records. It is a difficult thought to fathom and hard to imagine someone being born into the darkness of addiction and withdrawal, but for these new-borns, this is sometimes the reality with which they will begin their new lives.

Attorney General Pam Bondi is calling this a “public health crisis” and cites that Florida, unfortunately, is the prescription drug abuse and distribution epicentre of the United States. The prescription drug abuse and consequences in Florida have been steadily growing over the past decade, and this widespread phenomenon, while devastating, could be the push needed to finally curb, and ultimately prevent, prescription drug abuse. In part due to the explosion of “pill mills,” addiction centers, primarily in Florida, have already opened up that can accommodate pregnant mothers or mothers who have already given birth and their young children affected by the drug use. In Broward County, where the problem is especially rampant, rehabs like the Susan B. Anthony Center can accommodate up to 60 mothers and 81 children.

The center, which currently at capacity, offers childcare, job training, life skills and parenting classes among other resources including both individual and group therapy. It is by no means a perfect system, but allows families to stay together during the recovery process in lieu of jail or foster care, staying for an average of six months. For more information, read the full Miami Herald article at or visit for more information on prescription drug abuse. (photo via)

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