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Resisting a Relapse in the New Year

Holidays are a time for family gatherings, parties and celebrations. If you’re struggling with addiction, the holidays are not necessarily a relaxing time. Even individuals who have participated in effective drug rehab must resist the possibility of relapse. Resisting a relapse in the New Year requires intentional planning and thought. In order to cope with all the activities and stresses the holidays bring, you may find yourself wanting to use again. If you’re newly sober, you may associate the holiday celebrations with your past addictive behaviors. Despite all the joy a new year can bring, the possibility of relapse is always present. Though relapse is a possibility, there are things you can do to avoid it. Make a resolution to stay sober. Here are some strategies to help you maintain sobriety throughout the New Year. Along with tools you gain from our effective drug rehab, you’ll have the foundation you need to prevent a relapse in the New Year. Plan your schedule ahead of time. Don’t tire yourself or fail to allow time for proper rest and diet. When you are hungry and tired, you are more likely to relapse. If your holiday traditions have always included drinking or using drugs, find a different activity. Start a new tradition and volunteer somewhere or spend time with others who are also working on sobriety. Keep phone numbers of supportive friends handy. Let them know you may need extra support at odd hours. If you feel an urge to use, call them and talk through the craving rather than acting on it. Bring your own non-alcoholic drinks to gatherings. This practice will prevent a situation where the only drink available at a party is alcoholic. Don’t be afraid to leave if the party tempts you to drink or use. Find things to appreciate in your life. Keep a gratitude diary. When things are stressful and not going well, read that journal to remind yourself of why you want to stay sober. If you find yourself in danger of relapsing, or if you have already relapsed, seek out holistic drug treatment to help. Just because you relapse, does not mean you have failed. Keep making the effort. Sobriety is difficult work, but will be worthwhile.

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